Affiliate Programme

We value 'word of mouth' so much that we've put together a generous affiliate program, and it's completely free to sign up! Every time you refer a customer our way, we'll pay you 10% of the sale as a thank you.
No strings attached!
Our marketing strategy is a bit 'unique' in that we prefer to put our money back in our customers' pockets. It's a win-win, and we much prefer it to writing checks to Google and Facebook every month for their expensive advertising!
You can sign up for our affiliate program by Clicking Here.
When you sign up for our referral program, you can literally start earning extra income in just a few minutes by helping to spread the word via social media, email, blog or website. You friends and colleagues will thank you - and so will we. :)
Thanks in advance, and we hope to have you on board! :)
Stay Dry,
Stay Dry,